<<B5 - WWII Parallel>>

 Posted on 2/5/1996 by J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com> to CIS

Thomas M. Conlon <73544.321@compuserve.com> asks:
> Has anyone else noticed the similarity between the Shadow Wars
> and WWII? Remember the Secret Police?
> Anyone care to put in their 2 cent's worth?

While yes, there are some intentional WW II parallels here, do
bear in mind that you don't have to go all the way back to the Gestapo
to find this kind of mentality...Sen. McCarthy would've been quite at
home in Nightwatch.


<<B5 - WWII Parallel>>

 Posted on 2/5/1996 by J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com> to CIS

Philip Hornsey <74053.2101@compuserve.com> asks:
> Can PsiCorps members belong to Nightwatch?
> Where did they do their recruiting for Nightwatch?
> Are they the SS to HomeGuard's SA?
> Do they have arrest powers, and are these "thoughtcrimes" that
> they investigate *officially* illegal, or do they have to trump
> up a sedition charge? What is President Clark's first name (I have
> heard William on ANFAW, and Morgan elsewhere, including Clark's
> Law)? Where did he get this *extreme* personal *hatred* for Luis
> Santiago?

It's William Morgan Clark.

And yes, they have some powers of arrest.
